Tag: health

How to manage anxiety and nine tools to help you

How to manage anxiety and nine tools to help you

I recently shared a post on Instagram about how I’ve struggled with anxiety and it got more likes and comments than anything I’ve ever posted. After sharing this, close friends and even strangers told me they’ve been struggling too. Do you know what’s ironic? I 

10 awesome Tips to help you fall sleep

10 awesome Tips to help you fall sleep

I have always been a rubbish sleeper. When I’m tried, I’m moody, irritable, hungry, unmotivated and extra annoyed when Susan in the office is chewing loud. A slight noise or any kind of light wakes me up and if something is on my mind I’ll toss 

The impacts of social media on mental health

The impacts of social media on mental health

Does it help or hinder us? Do mindfulness apps do anything? Is it raising awareness, or just giving us major FOMO? I explore these topics and speak with Psychologist and Founder of My Colourful Mind Movement, Brianna Thomas.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable

Get comfortable being uncomfortable

Being comfortable with things in life feels good. There’s no stress, you have a secure job, home life is alright. When it comes to your health you may eat pretty poorly or not exercise much, but it’s easier this way. You know this way. You 

Find exercise you like and stay consistent

Find exercise you like and stay consistent

So you’re an average guy or gal who doesn’t love exercise and has never been consistent. You exercise once or twice a week but you don’t really care or put in much effort, you just do it because you think you should and are attempting 

12 things to remember to ease that damn pandemic anxiety

12 things to remember to ease that damn pandemic anxiety

When the pandemic hit in 2020, I returned to Australia and left behind a life I was completely in love with in Ireland. Since then, my emotions, mood and energy have been up and down. Moments of joy and gratefulness quickly turn to moments of